We are second to non the premier Window cleaning Contractors in Manchester-Bury-Wigan-Leigh-Bolton-Westhoughton Contract Window Cleaners. With Our High Reach Telescopic Water Fed Poles we dont just clean the glass, we clean the frames, cills aswell as doors, Fascias, Solar panels, the list goes on, if we can get to it with a pole, we can clean it. We are unlike the regular window cleaner, we are Window Cleaning Contractors, we specialise in commercial properties, Factories, Schools, Business parks, Retail parks, Hotels, We even have contracts with one of the biggest haulage companies in greater manchester, cleaning there wagons, as its just so easy with our telescopic poles, which means we can reflect this into the price. everybodys a winner!
We take great care in our work, this is how we have such a good reputation, We like to think we are the best Contract window cleaners in Bolton-Wigan-Leigh-Bury-Westhoughton-Greater Manchester Contract Window Cleaners, So Give me 'andy' a call on 07415737737 or visit Window cleaning Contractor in Bolton-Leigh-Bury-Wigan-Westhoughton-Greater Manchester Contract Window Cleaner http://www.ultrapurenorthwest.co.uk/up-blog/item/contract-window-cleaner-in-warrington-bolton-leigh-bury-wigan#